Tuesday, December 11, 2012

FINAL POST (summer)


My LAST post will be on the short section of summer. Olds reflects on her marriage and small events leading up to the divorce. I enjoyed this section because not only was it short and easy to read, but she realized that she was a strong woman and she somewhat overcame her divorce. All of the poems in this section have something to do with the ocean which symbolizes power. She is finding power and strength in herself and knowing that the divorce was not her fault.

I very much enjoyed reading this book and going through a journey with Olds and her troubles with her marriage. Although these poems were easy to read and I enjoyed reading them, I will probably never read poem as a recreational activity. I feel like with poems, you have to dig deeper and find the symbols and literary devices to find out what the author really means. Instead of a sweater being just blue, both the sweater and the color blue have significance to them and you must find the meaning to actually understand what the author would like to convey.

I liked everyone in my group and if I had to do this project again, I do not think that I would do anything different, (except for the procrastination).

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